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Other nuances, which we’ve covered about Delaware that you should know about are the Delaware Franchise Taxes and Annual Reports. We describe the steps required with forming and maintaining your company in the startup checklists that are generated for you when you incorporate in Delaware or purchase Delaware Post Incorporation Documents.
You can (but only if you qualify as a registered agent under Delaware General Corporation law under these limited circumstances)! Some states permit you to act as your own registered agent but Delaware requires you to list a registered agent at the time you form your company. The agent must typically be a legal resident of the state in question and obtain authorization from the state to act as an agent. Note that the annual fees for a registered agent are fairly nominal (approximately $50-$300) in light of the great benefits of helping keep your company in good standing with the state.
Most states offer free access to their databases, where a company’s registered agent address is available to the public. In states that permit you to be your own registered agent, your listed address will, likewise, be visible and available to the public.
You can always change your registered agent to another party at any time during the life of your company with the filing of relevant state forms and payment of state fees. You may also be required to make an amendment to your articles of incorporation in some states, such as Delaware.